Wednesday 11 April 2007

CO Awareness Capmaign Leaflets

You can download a copy of the latest advice leaflet from CO Awareness by going to the 'Useful Documents' box at the very bottom of this page.

Sunday 8 April 2007

An unusual side-effect of CO.

This recent post on lists an unusual consumer danger from CO. It is apparently sometimes used to make packaged meat appear 'fresher' (i.e. pinker) than it really is!

You can see a warning video animation about this here.

Saturday 7 April 2007

'Delayed postanoxic encepalopathy'

Another name for 'DNS', or Delayed Neuropsychiatric Sequelae.
A case report from the Emergency Medicine Journal (

pdf copy available by clicking here.

CO messes with your head - it's official.

It's quite well known that students are at high risk of CO exposure. What is less well known is that they are sometimes put deliberately at risk by their professors!
This valuable piece of research (Archives of Neurology 1998; 55 (6), 845) shows just how damaging low-level CO exposure is to the CNS. But I'm not sure it should have received ethical approval!

By going to this link to my public folder on you can retrieve a pdf copy of this paper.

Forgotten anything lately... ?

Many people exposed to CO over long periods report problems with short-term memory as a consequence.
Could this paper have any connection with this phenomenon ?