Friday 28 September 2007

New trial on HBOT (hyperbaric oxygen therapy)

Lindell Weaver and colleagues at Salt Lake City have just published their latest research on HBOT, in the America Journal of Respiratoy and Critical Care Medicine.

You can get a pdf copy of the paper by clicking this link:

Carbon monoxide Poisoning: risk factors for cognitive sequelae and the role of hyperbaric oxygen.

Saturday 22 September 2007

On-line teaching module

I have submitted an on-line teaching module on carbon monoxide, aimed mainly at emergency physicians (of all grades.)
This will hopefully be available in October 2007 via the College of Emergency medicine website, and
More details and relevant links to follow soon.

CO Awareness week

CO Awareness week kicks off with an event at the House of Lords on Monday October 15th, starting 10.30am.
Then on Tuesday 16th, there's a meeting at the HSENI (Health & Safety Execuive of Northern Ireland). Wednesday the venue is the Welsh Assembly; Thursday it is the Scottish Parliament, and Friday October 19th the final event is at Dewsbury Town Hall, 10am start.
Directions at